Showing posts with label computer gk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label computer gk. Show all posts

Thursday, January 12, 2017

What is Computer Malware's ?

Unknown and unwanted digital attacks which are causing problem in computer,known as virus.The virus is nothing but a malacious program or software which enter in the system which enter in the system without knowledge of user and Create damages in the form of corrupt some of them described hereunder as :
6. Trojan Horse
7.Logic Bomb

Monday, September 26, 2016

Computer GK 1

1. -----is the most widely used operating system.
Ans. windows xp

2. controlled by a mouse and change shape depending upon its current function.
Ans. Pointer

3. .......are used to control and coordinate computers that are
Ans. Network operating systems (NOS)

4.Popular network operating system include all of the following EXCEPT.
Ans. Microsoft DOS